Deb’s Story
février 21, 2022

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A routine mammogram allowed Deb’s cancer to be detected early. Now she is advocating so that all women are informed about the benefits of mammograms.
In January of 2021, I received a phone call that I had to return for another mammogram and possibly an ultrasound. I have been going for my mammograms for a long time. I never missed one appointment and they always came back normal until that day in January when they found something that looked suspicious. That mammogram saved my life. On February 1st I was diagnosed with TNBC stage 1 grade 2. A tumor that was under 2cm. I was told I would have never found it, and my surgeon couldn’t even find it ..thank goodness the lymph nodes that were removed were negative.
I did my research for what my treatment was going to be. I knew exactly what I was in for- 4 rounds of AC and 12 weeks of Taxol. I knew all of the side effects that I could possibly could have so I was prepared. I kept a positive attitude. I looked at everything as an inconvenience not as a burden, but most of all I kept a positive attitude and never felt sorry for myself.
Breast cancer does not discriminate no matter your age, color and you do not have to have a history of breast cancer. Please do not miss a mammogram -not one, do self exams and be proactive, do your research and ask questions. Remember an empowered patient is your best defense against cancer!